Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year 2011

Wow, it's a New Year, and it's said that we can start over. The slate is clean. With that being said,...I pray to be a better servant of God.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Revelation 21:4

Even in the midst of traumatic times, and feeling like all Hope is lost we must hold on to our faith. if this is your case ...this Verse should scream out to You, because it gives us Hope for the future.
Times may be rough and tough, but God is always there to help us go on

Revelations 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.

Lanetta Johnson

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The One You Feed"

One evening, an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, "My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all. One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, greed, and arrogance. The other is Good - It is peace, love, hope, humility, compassion, and faith."
The grandson th...ought about this for a while and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf wins?"
To which the old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed.

"Happy New Year"

“New Years Resolution”

Be careful what you Promise, or Resolve for the New Year! In the Book of James we are warned to let our Yes's be Yes and our No's, to be No! Sometimes Satan can use broken Promises made to ourselves or others to get us to feel guilty, to get us to revert to old bad habits, or get us depressed. Pray, Seek God's will, and Say God willing I will ???? God Bless!

Lanetta Johnson

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

Make sure to spend time with your family, "if they are safe". If your family isn't safe for you, don't be alone. Spend time with your church and CR family if at all possible. Remember you have accountability partners, check on each other this week since we will not be meeting. Make the choice to celebrate Christ's birth with others that love Him!

Merry Merry Christmas Lanetta

Choose To Be Happy

It's never too late to let yourself be happy. Be sad when you must. Grieve when you must. But don't be sad just because others expect it of you. Take charge of your own happiness. We are all entitled to be happy. Seek light instead of shadows. Treasure your happiness. Share it.
"We don't remember days or years, we remember moments".

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Do You Have A Safe Place

I was sitting in a room with men and women. They were talking about Celebrate Recovery and what it meant to them. They shared their story so freely as if they were singing their favorite song,.. in the car(lol). Lanetta begin to go over the 8 principles, once she finished, she said, " This is a safe place to share your experience's."At that moment, the room began to get so loud, I think,..I'm not really sure because my heart was beating so fast until I thought everyone could hear it. And then she said, "You're safe here." My eye's started to fill with tears.In my head I thought, SAFE,  my God!, how in the world could a simple word, safe, bring on tears in front of folks I didn't know. And then I was like,...can they see the tears? Then I was like, Oh my God, can they see me? Can they see the hurt, the rage,...and then I wanted out of there. People think Celebrate Recovery is just about alcohol and drugs, of course it is, but not entirely. CR is about confronting your past hurts, habits and hangups. It's about physical, sexual and emotional abuse. It's about abandonment and anger issue's. It's about letting God free you and heal you. It's about being in a "safe" environment, with people who understand how you feel with no condemnation. I have a safe place now,...Psalm 27.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"God has provided the right Person with a Heart to get the Word Out and that Person is Rochelle Wilson"

As the Leader of Celebrate Recovery Ministry at the Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church I would like to announce that as of January 1, 2011 Rochelle Wilson will come aboard the Leadership Team as our Assimilation Coach

She will be Responsible for the promotion of Celebrate Recovery to the members, the church, the community and the world* Recruits and interview new leadership candidates* Develops and maintains group information materials for groups and information tables* Develops an Assimilation Coach Apprentice.

Welcome Aboard Rochelle Wilson
Lanetta Johnson

My Conversation With Lanetta

                                                                          First,...Thank God!

                                         Greetings Sister's with Love and Peace.

I called Lanetta last night to tell her something, instead she ending up feeding me. I had no idea that I was hungry. I felt like a deer in headlights. She fed me with her knowledge and understanding of Celebrate Recovery. She expressed her love and gratitude for CR, as well as her longing for everyone to be healed and free. I had no choice but to be quiet and listen. Even as I type this now, her conversation is still lingering within my spirit,....WOW. I can truly see and understand why she is our leader. Thank you Lanetta and God Bless You.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

God has done It, Again!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my Celebrate Step Sisters.
Ladies, we have worked our Steps, thereby turning many issues such as worries/wants/needs into transformations of our lives.
After encountering so many hurts, habits and hang-ups, the Trinity has given us more than we could have anticipated in healing --spiritual /emotional/physical/financial.
YEAH! God HAS DONE It! Again.
We love and appreciate each one of you!!!
Lady O

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Your Goal is Nearer than you Think!

We are so grateful that God has given the Step Study Group such wonderful women who continuously work for a new normal through Jesus Christ. Don't give up, your goal is nearer than you think.

Lady O

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Magnitude of the Serenity Prayer

The Serenity Prayer is a tool to be used on a daily basis in our lives of recovery. The Serenity Prayer takes the pressure off of us and puts it all on God. Stressful situations don't always turn out the way we desire, therefore, it prepares us for God's will.

The Serenity Prayer permits God to instantly give us a quietness or stillness that will allow us to open our hearts and minds to be receptive to God's changes for our lives. Now, let’s look carefully at the Serenity Prayer--line by line.

I give you permission to… Grant me the
Serenity, to accept things I cannot change,
Boldness... Courage to change the things I can, and the
Good Judgment with No Denial... Wisdom to know the difference
Patience to wait on the Lord for the things that take time…
Living one day at a time
Enjoying one moment at a time, and
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace:
Lenience/Mercy on Self & others...
Taking, as Jesus did this sinful world; as it is not as I would have it,
Confidence/Childlike Faith...Trusting that you will make all things right
Submission--Let Go & Let God...
If I surrender to Your will; so that I may be
Freedom--God's yoke is easy & burdens are light...
Reasonably happy in this life and
Proclamation--joyfully acknowledged as Truth that Jesus Christ died for my sins & I will live...
Supremely happy with You forever in the next. AMEN

Don't forget to use your tool!
Lady O

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

No More Procrastination!

We are encouraging everyone to be bold and courageous by

  • Stop procrastinating!
  • Contacting your accountability partner via phone or text or email--two times weekly. (minimal).
  • Praying with & for your accountability partner--two times weekly.(minimal).

Recovery is a Journey.

Lady O

Friday, October 15, 2010

Search And Open Your Heart

" Let me express my anguish. Let me be free to speak out of the bitterness of my soul."
  Job 7:11,TLB

When I experienced my hurt, my traumatic event, the Book of Job was my close..close..close..close(did I say

"Then the Lord said to satan, "Have you considered my servant Job?.....Job 1:8,NIV

When I read that passage, I said out loud, "WHAT", the Lord had a conversation with satan about ME. I was so hurt and deeply wounded. My hurt turned into fear and my fear turned into isolation from everyone including the Lord. After a while, I experinced a crazy feeling, I began to miss the Lord, my Father and so I started talking to Him again but, I was angry, bitter and full of anguish.

In our second book guys, you will have to Search And Open Your Heart.

PEace and LOve, lOve and pEace


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Enlarged Thru Grace

I am so excited for the enlargement of our minds and hearts, which has intensified our spiritual walk with the Trinity.

In our next chapters, we will be centering on our balance between good and wrong behaviors. The key is to remember as we work through each lesson be mindful that we are operating in "God's Grace" with no condemnation.

Condemnation = guilt & shame = 0 growth.

Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwelling: Do not spare: Lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited. Isaiah 54: 1-3 (NIV)

Lady O

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Congratulations Step Study Group

 PeaCE and LoVE...loVE and pEACE

I give All the Honor and Glory to God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit,

Thanks to you guys,we have finished our first book. It is a blessing to call you guys my sisters. As I sit here at my laptop typing this blog, I can see the face of every single one of you guys. Some of the face's were scared, intrigued and apprehensive. Trust me, I was still unsure if I wanted to co facilitate,.. you know a girl has been through the step study before and I wasn't trying to relive the madness. It it only through the GRACE of God and you guys that I'm still here.

Peace and Love

Rochelle Wilson


We have Stepped out of Denial!

God's love and grace has brought to surface many painful things from our past without condemnation.

The first book--Stepping out of Denial into God's Grace is complete after months of working to hollow out past events that caused us hurts, habits, and hang-ups. I am rejoicing with everyone.

Now we are about to embark upon the next level towards wholeness through the second book --Taking an Honest and Spiritual Inventory.


Lady O